Scars and bruises everywhere – We have landed in Stockholm with big smiles after a fantastic month on tour with GLITCH in Danmark. 3 tons of equipment is now safely back at the headquarters and the truck is returned. Drive-rig-play-strike-drive in 12 hour work shifts 26 days non stop is over and even though it is real good to be back home the longing for new tours is already here. The feeling that the message/story really reaches a wide audience and truly pierces through makes all the hard work fun and (somewhat) easy. The laughter, tears and people that lingers in the theatre when the show is over. All that gives us just as much (or even more) strength than all the applauds, sold out rooms and standing ovations. We want to play more, longer and bigger. GLITCH is ready for the world!
A big thanks to all the theaters with crew, technicians, stagehands, sales and more. A just as big thank you to our own team Per Samuelsson, Marcus Björn and also our new co workers Anthony Cooks and Toubab Holmes for an amazing job! A great troop of unstoppable problem solvers that we could not have been without. And without our director Stephen Rappaport this show would never have been born at all, and never become close to the unique, creative and wild playground it really is. THANK YOU!
A big thanks also to SUBTOPIA and AUTOPISTES for all the support to get this tour up and running! And maybe most of all a huge thank you to Wolfgang Hoffman and Belinda Murphy at AURORA NOVA for making this tour happen and for not giving up making it possible even at times when it looked like game over. TRUE HEROES!
Last but not least a massive THANK YOU to all the audiences that has made sure to fill the theatres to the last seats and has been there to lift the ceiling with us – Night after night!