Hello again Switzerland!

Same place, only 5 years later: Johan has been invited back to one of Switzerland’s biggest christmas shows SALTO NATALE to perform his original act BOUNCE for another season. In total 58 performances and close to 58 000 spectators during a period of just above a month. Last time there was an amazing atmosphere all […]
Thank you Sweden! (And Denmark!)

The touring with UNPLUGGED is over for now. So many fantastic gigs in so many different places – with everything between big theatres and small barns. At the least 2 persons in the audience and at the most 1 300 persons. It might sound like a lie but it has been just as fun every single time […]
The tour is growing!

This year’s touring with UNPLUGGED (and also with GLITCH and BOUNCE) keeps growing every day.A real fun mix of everything between barns and concert halls. Come see! (Dates in Sweden and Denmark only so far). 5 april: Mönsterås 21 april: Ingelsträde 28 april: Uppsala 30 april: Umeå 26 maj: Växjö 2 juni: Hofors 5 juli: Hofors 6 juli: Tomnäs (Borlänge) […]
GLITCH is going to the Netherlands

This little big beast is finally about to be let out of its cage again. End of August we will be going of tour to the Netherlands to play four performances of GLITCH at the Noorderzon performing arts festival in Groningen. “It is totally sensational, mind blowing, and somehow, also really disturbing.” “Johan Wellton takes all the […]
Where to next?

It’s like a kaleidoscope somehow, constantly changing. And it is bigger than I thought at first. Some things have a life of their own even though they are just things. Like dreams, I guess. It’s hard to tell if they lead us or if they are the ones following like a shadow. It’s a dance […]